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As more and more companies become increasingly concerned about plastic waste and its impact on the environment, the use of environmentally friendly storage solutions is becoming steadily more popular. For many, this is the obvious reason to opt for recycled plastic storage boxes, however their benefits span further than their environmental factors.

In this article, we’ll highlight the widespread benefits of using recycled plastic storage boxes and why they are the best option for businesses and companies of all sizes, within all industries.

Environmental benefits of recycled plastic storage boxes

It’s no secret that recycling plastic significantly reduces the amount of waste in landfills; each plastic item that is recycled and reused is one less item contributing to the ever-growing problem of landfill overflow

As landfills reach capacity, harmful greenhouse gases such as methane are released into the atmosphere, contributing towards climate change. By reducing the amount of plastic waste that ends up at landfills through recycling, we can mitigate these environmental effects, whilst also making a durable plastic storage solution.

Landfills aren’t the only place unwanted plastic ends up; our oceans are also victim to discarded plastic. A considerable amount of plastic waste ends up in our oceans, creating massive pollution problems. This marine debris harms wildlife, damages ecosystems and disrupts the delicate balance of marine life. Recycling plastic helps reduce the amount of plastic waste entering our oceans, reducing the negative impact on marine environments. 

By using recycled plastic storage boxes, our customers play a direct role in minimising ocean pollution and landfill overflow, protecting marine biodiversity and our precious environment.


Conservation of natural resources

Producing new plastic requires significant amounts of raw materials, primarily derived from fossil fuels such as petroleum and natural gas. On top of this, manufacturing new plastic is an energy-intensive process. Recycling plastic reduces the demand for these non-renewable resources and saves up to 60% of the energy used during manufacturing. 

By reprocessing used plastic into new products, we conserve these vital raw materials, ensuring they are available for future generations and reducing the environmental degradation associated with extraction processes.

Economic benefits of recycled plastic storage boxes

Recycled plastic storage boxes are less expensive to produce compared to their virgin-material counterparts. By reprocessing materials that have already been extracted and refined, we bypass the need for the initial stages of production that require significant energy and resources. 

This improved production process results in lower overall manufacturing costs, which we pass on to our consumers in the form of more affordable products, making our plastic storage boxes an obvious choice for businesses, warehouses and companies of all industries. 

In a retail or wholesale organisation, where single use plastic use is high, using a recycled storage box is a great way to impact your company’s carbon footprint positively. Retail or wholesale companies can use these boxes in their stock cupboards and warehouses to organise, stack and store clothing and accessories, making packing and distribution easier and quicker. Highstreet retailers can use these boxes to organise their stock, even in small shops, maximising their storage space and making restocking shelves quicker and easier. 

Supporting a circular economy

The concept of a circular economy revolves around minimising waste and making the most of resources. Recycled plastic boxes perfectly illustrate this model by being part of a closed-loop system where materials are continually reused and repurposed. 

This approach reduces the need for extracting new raw materials and lowers the environmental impact of production processes. In a circular economy, products are designed with their end-of-life in mind, ensuring that materials can be effectively recycled and reintroduced into the production cycle.

For some industries, using recycled storage boxes is the easiest way to introduce the circular economy concept into their business framework, positively impacting their overall business performance and environmental impact.

Practical benefits of recycled plastic storage boxes

We understand that you need a storage solution that withstands your business’s busy day-to-day operations, and our recycled storage boxes offer exactly that. 

Commercial and industrial settings need recycled plastic boxes that offer robust storage solutions for inventory management, transportation of goods and workspace organisation. Their durability and strength make them suitable for holding heavy or bulky items, and they can be used in environments that require rigorous handling, such as manufacturing warehouses and distribution centres.

Our recycled plastic storage boxes are known for their remarkable durability and versatility. Unlike their traditional plastic counterparts, our environmentally friendly storage solutions are designed to withstand heavy use and resist impacts, moisture and temperature fluctuations to ensure they maintain their functionality and appearance, all whilst positively impacting our environment. 

This longevity also means that consumers don’t need to replace them as frequently, which adds to their cost-effectiveness and environmental stability. 

Health and safety benefits of recycled plastic storage boxes

An important characteristic our recycled storage boxes have is their ease of cleaning and maintenance. This means whether you need to sanitise them or whether there’s been an accidental spillage, you can rest assured that you can thoroughly clean your storage box again and again. 

This characteristic is particularly important for maintaining hygiene in industries that deal with perishables and medical, where cleanliness is paramount. 

On top of being easy to clean, our recycled storage boxes are also resistant to mould and mildew, keeping your products and produce clean, hygienic and safe. The resistance of these storage boxes to such growth means they can be safely used in a variety of settings without the risk of developing mould, enhancing their longevity and ensuring that the stored items remain protected and safe.

As a company within the healthcare industry, you may find yourself using our recycle storage boxes as a means to move waste or laundry, ensuring hygienic and efficient transportation and waste management. Another use within the healthcare industry is to store medical supplies and steralised items, keeping items clean, organised and easy to find. 

Recycled Plastic Trucks

FAQs about recycled plastic storage boxes

Do you have a question about our recycled plastic boxes? Here are our most commonly asked questions. We hope you find what you’re looking for, but if not, our friendly customer service team is on hand to answer any questions you have.

What are recycled plastic storage boxes made of?

Our recycled plastic storage boxes are made from post-consumer products, such as discarded plastic boxes and other plastic items. The material composition is often high-density or medium-density polyethylene.

How durable are recycled plastic storage boxes compared to traditional ones?

The quick answer is very durable! We offer both high-density polyethylene and medium-density polyethylene which offer different ranges of flexibility without compromising on durability and strength. 

Can recycled plastic storage boxes be recycled again?

Yes, they can! We offer to buy back your used recycled storage boxes where we’ll reintroduce them back into the production line and use them to make new plastic boxes.

Rebox Storage Solutions; for all your storage needs

No matter the industry or application, we have the ideal recycled storage solution for your needs. From healthcare to automotive, our plastic storage bins are great for storing products and transporting them from A to B. 

If you’re unsure which storage solution is best for you, our friendly team is always available to help. Drop them a message with your question and they’ll be happy to assist. They can also help with questions about our delivery information for national and international orders.

Shop our entire range of storage boxes, dollies and heavy-duty bins on Rebox Storage today.